Saturday, 19 May 2012


The Seal of the UOMS,
showing the "Shining Light of the Dawn"

This is my first Golden Dawn blog. I have been meaning to start one for some time now, as I have a lot of points to express and many ideas, experiences to share. The main point of this blog is to discuss the Work of the Universal Order of the Morning Star, a newly-birthed Order, from my perspective as an Order leader and founder. 

The blog will also be a place where I will post my general thoughts on the Golden Dawn as and when they arise. As some of you know I have been running a Golden Dawn styled Lodge in England, UK for some years. We were affiliated with two different Orders before breaking away to form our own Order. Our new Order has two Lodges, one in Spain and the one I work with in UK. We were affiliated with Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn (OSOGD) for a few years, until last year when we made the decision to break away and create a new Order, and we have chosen to carry on with some of the non-traditional (or, as some prefer to call it, "non-classical") approaches of the OSOGD, while developing some of our own very unique ideas. One of the principle changes with the UOMS is that as the OSOGD worked with the initiatory current of Horus, so we as an Order have chosen to work with the dual initiatory current of Horus-Maat, as described first by Soror Nema in her book "Maat Magick". This is a work in progress, building up our Order, based on this new emerging paradigm. 
It's time to take the Horus-Maat idea beyond

Subsequent blogs will discuss how this Horus-Maat initiatory current works in my understanding. How I feel that I did not choose it, but rather It chose me.  It “called” to me to be its Hierophant and Praemonstrator – that is to initiate into this current of Energy, and to teach the principles behind it.

More will be said about the work of our Order and how it differs from other Golden Dawn Orders. Why what we are doing has a specific purpose. I will also cover blog articles on areas which are common to all Golden Dawn Orders.

 I have chosen to call this blog "The Shining Light of the Dawn" as that is said to be the  original name of what later become the Golden Dawn [i.e. The Society of the The Shining Light of the Dawn"]. This is not to say that with our new Order we are trying to go back to some pre-1888 version of the Order, but simply that we are recognising both our history and the common ancestry of the various modern Golden Dawn Orders.  It would be nice to think that - to use a Druidic and Qabalistic metaphor - with each new branch of the Golden Dawn "Tree" that is grown, we do not forget our common roots. Hence the title of this blog article "Beginnings" has a double meaning - the beginnings of the blog and a nod to the beginnings of the GD movement, the foundation upon which we have built. 

Another reason I like the name Shining Light of the Dawn is because it is more often than not, in the morning, when the sun is dawning, that I do my best writing. My inspiration appears to rise with Ra, the Sun, and the Star of the Morning (Stella Matutina) and morning is always my best time :-) 

Now, let's get blogging!

Soror Sema Dawy
Universal Order of the Morning Star.

[this article was updated in October 2012 to reflect the new name of the our Order]

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