The Hermetic Tablet is a quarterly Journal of Western Ritual Magic where people, from all traditions, share their experiences. Some of the contributors are well known names in the occult field, while others are just those who want to share knowledge and experiences with the public.
This issue includes articles written by the following writers:
Jake Stratton-Kent, Mike Magee, Sandra Tabatha Cicero, Aaron Leitch, Christine Zalewski, Nick Farrell, Paola Farrell, Jayne Gibson, Samuel Scarborough, Harry Wendrich, Alex Sumner, Carman Lawrick, Bro. Yeheshua Netzach, Steve Nichols, Cynthia Caton and Alfonso Ricca.
The Journal covers a wide range of different subjects all related to Western Ritual Magic, including Goetia, Theurgy, Angelic Magic, Ancient Egypt, and pagan ritual. There is something for anyone, from all spiritual traditions who wants to know about practical Western Ritual Magic.
The proceeds of this book will go towards esoteric charities.
An edition is available in a paperback and a deluxe limited edition hardback for collectors.
How to get a copy
For details of purchase, click on link below -
HERMETIC TABLET - General Description
The Hermetic Tablet is coming and it will be an exciting new method of communicating practical occult information to the public. The Hermetic Tablet is a meeting place of those who work within the wider Western Occult tradition. Normally these sorts of papers circulate privately within the writer’s esoteric groups or amongst those who work with them. The goal of the Hermetic Tablet is to present these papers in a journal format for the first time. Although there are some big names in this edition, some of which have not published anything publically for years, the Hermetic Tablet also aims to provide an avenue for new writers who have something to say on the field of Practical Magic.
This will help foster a new generation of occult writers in the same way that the Occult Review helped to develop the esoteric career of Dion Fortune.
The Journal will not be specific to the Golden Dawn tradition, in fact the aim is to encourage all western esoteric traditions to contribute. Articles will be 1-10,000 words and should not include poetry (other than full on invocations) as we have no way of judging its merit.
The Hermetic Tablet will be issued four times a year in a paperback format, a limited edition hardcover version, and an ebook (several months behind the print copy). The proceeds of each edition will go to a recognised esoteric charity – the first issue is dedicated to the Golden Dawn Legal fund. The books will be on sale through lulu, but we will be putting into the Amazon distribution system (something we are less keen on because Amazon takes a huge cut).
Here is the table of contents for the first issue which should be out at Equinox
Nick Farrell
The Conjuration of Nebiros
Jake Stratton-Kent
Kenneth Grant and the Serpent of Fire
Mike Magee
Beloved of Isis: Invoking the Divine Feminine in the Golden Dawn
Sandra Tabatha-Cicero
Michael Workings
Aaron Leitch
Ritual preparation and timing
Christine Zalewski
Nick Farrell
A Ritual Evocation of Isis, Nephthys, and the 19th Path on the Tree of Life.
Jayne Gibson
Cerberus: Guard Dog from Hell
Carman Lawrick
Manipura and the Opening of The Third Eye
Harry Wendrich
Non-Divinatory Uses of the Tarot
Alex Sumner
What is Done Cannot be Undone
Cynthia Caton
Commentary on the Lesser
Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Jorge Quinones
An Ancient Hittite ritual for abundance
Dr Alfonso Ricca
TSAKLI – The Totemic Tibetan “Tarot”
Steve Nichols
Book Reviews
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Book of Uriel
Samuel Scarborough
An Enochian Grimoire
Samuel Scarborough
Aaron Leitch
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